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C++20 Fundamentals

by Kate Gregory

If C++ scares you, or you've heard that it's a difficult language, this course will show you how easy Modern C++ can be. You will learn the fundamentals of the language so that you can write useful C++ applications.

What you'll learn

C++ is a powerful general purpose language that has grown and changed over decades, which can make it feel difficult to learn. In this course, C++20 Fundamentals, you’ll learn to write simple modern C++ programs using the language and its standard library. First, you’ll explore the basics of the language syntax. Next, you’ll discover how to combine pieces into larger programs and save time with the standard library. Finally, you’ll learn how to avoid common pitfalls that used to be problems for C++ developers in older versions of the language. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of C++ needed to write useful applications targeting your chosen platform and framework.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Kate Gregory is in her fifth decade of being paid to program. Her firm, Gregory Consulting Limited, is based in rural Ontario and helps clients adopt new technologies and adjust to the changing business environment. Mentoring, technical writing, and technical speaking are her preferred ways of sharing wisdom with large groups of people. Kate is the author of over a dozen books and speaks at conferences around the world, with keynotes on 5 continents. Kate develops courses (primarily on C++) for ... more

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