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Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times

Python includes a powerful collection of numeric types beyond the basic int and float. In this course you'll learn about these types, the shortcomings they address in the basic numeric types, and how and when to deploy them in your Python programs.

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times
by Austin Bingham
Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times
by Robert Smallshire

What you'll learn

Python’s basic numeric types, int and float, are generally intuitive and are often sufficient for most programming tasks. There are some calculations, however, for which these types aren’t the right tool, and numeric types with different qualities are called for. In this course, Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times, you’ll take a look at some of the other numeric types that Python provides. First, you’ll look at the Decimal, Fraction, and complex types, and you'll discover when they should be used and how to use them. Next you’ll review some functions that can be used with many or all numeric types. Then you’ll see how to work with dates and times using Python’s datetime package. Finally, you’ll learn about a practical example where using the right numeric type makes a big difference. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how to apply Python’s standard numeric types and perhaps a deeper appreciation for numerical programming in general.

Table of contents

About the authors

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times
Austin Bingham

Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. He's a native of Texas but currently lives in Norway where he writes software, runs a local software interest group, and presents and teaches whenever he can.

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Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times
Robert Smallshire

Robert Smallshire is a founding director of Sixty North, a software product and consulting business in based in Norway. He has held several senior software architecture and technical management roles, and he is a regular conference speaker. Python is his weapon of choice.

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