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Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections

Iterators, Iterables and Collections are central to how Python works. In this course, you'll move beyond the built-in and standard library collections, and learn how to build your own iterators, iterables and collections from the ground up.

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections
by Austin Bingham
Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections
by Robert Smallshire

What you'll learn

Collections in Python are organized according to a scheme of protocols such as Container, Iterable, and Sequence. In this course, Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections, you'll understand how the built-in collections are situated in this scheme. First, you'll discover how collections support different protocols and how those protocols work together to produce powerful, and yet easy-to-use collections.

Next, you’ll learn how to design and code new iterators for existing collections, and for whole new collections that meet your specific needs, by following a process of test-driven development. Finally, you'll learn how to optimize collections for performance, so new collections can be both correct, and fast.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll gain a deeper insight into how Python works beneath the surface.

Table of contents

About the authors

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections
Austin Bingham

Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. He's a native of Texas but currently lives in Norway where he writes software, runs a local software interest group, and presents and teaches whenever he can.

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Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python 3: Implementing Iterators, Iterables, and Collections
Robert Smallshire

Robert Smallshire is a founding director of Sixty North, a software product and consulting business in based in Norway. He has held several senior software architecture and technical management roles, and he is a regular conference speaker. Python is his weapon of choice.

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