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Core Python: Metaclasses and Allocation

This course will teach you the details of how Python creates class objects and allocates class instances.

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python: Metaclasses and Allocation
by Austin Bingham
Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python: Metaclasses and Allocation
by Robert Smallshire

What you'll learn

Understanding how to use metaclasses and allocation fluently is an important skill to mastering Python. In this course, Core Python: Allocation and Metaclasses, you’ll learn to control how Python creates new classes and allocates instances of classes. First, you’ll explore object allocation. Next, you’ll discover metaclasses, the types of types in Python which control how classes are created and initialized. Finally, you’ll learn how to leverage these concepts in practical ways. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of metaclasses and object allocation needed to understand how they’re used in other people’s code and apply them to your own designs.

Table of contents

About the authors

Austin Bingham - Pluralsight course - Core Python: Metaclasses and Allocation
Austin Bingham

Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. He's a native of Texas but currently lives in Norway where he writes software, runs a local software interest group, and presents and teaches whenever he can.

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Robert Smallshire - Pluralsight course - Core Python: Metaclasses and Allocation
Robert Smallshire

Robert Smallshire is a founding director of Sixty North, a software product and consulting business in based in Norway. He has held several senior software architecture and technical management roles, and he is a regular conference speaker. Python is his weapon of choice.

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