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Consuming Cisco APIs and Understanding Application DevOps

If you work in IT, you've heard about the many new Cisco products on the market. This course explores their APIs and introduces fundamental application deployment considerations, DevOps techniques, and common security threats.

Nick Russo - Pluralsight course - Consuming Cisco APIs and Understanding Application DevOps
by Nick Russo

What you'll learn

This course focuses on two major topics: Modern Cisco solution API usage and application deployment strategies. In this course, Consuming Cisco APIs and Understanding Application DevOps, you will gain the ability to deploy, test, and manage applications at a basic level. First, you will learn how to interact with Cisco products through their APIs. This includes products from across the Cisco portfolio, including enterprise networking, data center, service provider, security, and collaboration verticals. Next, you will discover the various application deployment strategies, such as using bare metal, virtual machines, and Docker containers. This includes a discussion around high-level cloud deployment designs. Finally, you will explore how to design and build a basic Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. The course wouldn't be complete without a review of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 vulnerabilities. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the basic skills and knowledge of application deployment and management needed to programmatically manage modern Cisco solutions in production.

Table of contents

About the author

Nick Russo - Pluralsight course - Consuming Cisco APIs and Understanding Application DevOps
Nick Russo

Nick Russo, CCDE #20160041 and CCIE #42518, is your go-to-guy for all things networking and automation. Nick loves training online and speaking at industry conferences sharing his expertise.

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