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CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) Network Security

This course covers CompTIA Security+ (2014 Objectives): Domain 1 - Network Security.

Christopher Rees - Pluralsight course - CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) Network Security
by Christopher Rees

What you'll learn

CompTIA Security+ (2014 Objectives) prepares networking and IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to identify risk, to participate in risk mitigation activities, and to provide infrastructure, application, information, and operational security. In addition, the successful candidate will be given the skills to be able to accurately apply security controls to maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability, identify appropriate technologies and products, and troubleshoot security events and incidents.

Table of contents

About the author

Christopher Rees - Pluralsight course - CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) Network Security
Christopher Rees

Chris is a lifelong learner and professional information technologist, trainer and IT Manager. Married with 3 children, Chris is interested in martial arts, working out, spending time with family and friends and being creative whenever possible.

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