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Composition for the Creative Artist

We'll begin this course by learning about what composition is and how we can use various types of composition to direct the viewer's eye through a drawing, painting, photograph or sculpture based off of how we position and arrange visual elements.

What you'll learn

We'll begin this course by learning about what composition is and how we can use various types of composition to direct the viewer's eye through a drawing, painting, photograph or sculpture based off of how we position and arrange visual elements. From there, I'll be walking you through a series of lessons focusing on some key compositions types. In each lesson we'll examine several works of art by famous artists throughout history to see how they employed various types of composition to engage the viewer. Finally, we'll finish out this course with a series of lessons focusing on fleshing out our own composition by incorporating some of the composition types we've covered. By gaining an understanding of these different composition types you'll be able to create stronger pieces of art that are more creative, appealing, and engaging to the viewer's eye.

Table of contents