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How CTF Competitions Make You a Better Developer: CodeMash

CodeMash 2020 | Capture That Flag : How CTF Competitions Make You a Better Developer | John Koerner

CodeMash - Pluralsight course - How CTF Competitions Make You a Better Developer: CodeMash
by CodeMash

What you'll learn

Have you ever been asked to "think like a hacker?" Do your eyes glaze over when you have to sit through a security audit of your application? Do you want to avoid having an incident? If any of these apply to you, consider participating in a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition. In this conference talk, John Koerner will explore the basic concepts of a CTF, a bevy of tools that are available to you, and dig into some example flags that have relevance to you as a developer. John will also cover topics such as buffer overflows, SQL injection, and cross site scripting, just to name a few. You'll walk away with the skills needed to participate in your first (or your next) CTF competition and with the knowledge of how this will make your applications more secure.

Table of contents

About the author

CodeMash - Pluralsight course - How CTF Competitions Make You a Better Developer: CodeMash

CodeMash is a conference for developers. We eat, drink, and learn about all things code. Do it all in shorts and sandals by a pool.

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