A .NET Data Access Layer You're Proud of: CodeMash
CodeMash 2020 | A .NET Data Access Layer You're Proud of (Without Entity Framework) | Jonathan "J." Tower
What you'll learn
If you're a .NET developer, it almost goes without saying that you use Entity Framework (EF) as part of the data access code on your software projects. Sometimes, EF is just right for the job, but, other times, you want something more simple and performant with better control of generated SQL queries. Over the years, several micro-ORMs (object relationship mappers) have evolved for just this purpose because, often, the simplest solution is the best one. Join Jonathan "J." Tower on this walk-through of some popular alternatives to EF, an overview of .NET micro-ORMs, and useful design patterns that you can use to organize them all into a powerful, fast, and coherent data access layer. You will leave this session equipped to make a simple, high-performance, and easy to use data access layer that you can be proud of.