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Practical Functional Programming: CodeMash

CodeMash 2020 | Practical Functional Programming | Jeremy Fairbank

CodeMash - Pluralsight course - Practical Functional Programming: CodeMash
by CodeMash

What you'll learn

Functional programming is more than math and monads. Functional programming empowers developers to solve real problems with safe, predictable, and maintainable code. In this talk, Jeremy Fairbank will present the basics of functional programming and how to apply functional concepts in a practical manner. Learn how pure functions are easily testable, how to compose specialized functions to create more complex functions, how immutable data prevents bugs, how to prevent runtime errors with static types, how to safely model nulls with special types, and more. Most importantly, you will leave this talk with a deeper understanding and appreciation for functional programming.

Table of contents

About the author

CodeMash - Pluralsight course - Practical Functional Programming: CodeMash

CodeMash is a conference for developers. We eat, drink, and learn about all things code. Do it all in shorts and sandals by a pool.

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