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Event Processing without Breaking Production: CodeMash

by CodeMash

CodeMash 2020 | Event Processing without Breaking Production | Nathan Zender

What you'll learn

Transactional systems are built with the primary focus of processing many concurrent events, only keeping the current state of data. What if there was a way to capture all the events that led to that current state? Capturing all events would allow for deeper analytics/machine learning, debugging, auditing, and more all without affecting your production systems. In this talk, Nathan Zender will explore the architecture, tools, and patterns used to do just that. Before leaving this talk, you will also learn about the stumbling blocks Nathan ran into while implementing this against a temperamental legacy application.

Table of contents

Event Processing without Breaking Production

About the author

CodeMash is a unique event that educates developers on current practices, methodologies and technology trends in variety of platforms and development languages such as Java, .NET, Ruby and PHP. Held every January at the lush Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio, attendees will be able to attend a world-class technical conference amid Ohio’s largest indoor waterpark. Nobody will frown if you show up in shorts, sandals, and your loudest t-shirt. You might even win a prize for doing so. It’s not just ... more

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