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Testing Web Applications with CodedUI

This course will teach web developers and functional testers how to automate testing of their websites by using Microsoft CodedUI.

Marcel de Vries - Pluralsight course - Testing Web Applications with CodedUI
by Marcel de Vries

What you'll learn

This course is specifically targeted at web developers who want to test their websites every time they commit a new change to see if they did not break anything in the UI. This course will teach web developers and functional testers how to automate testing by using CodedUI. It will show specific web-related scenarios and how you can test them using CodedUI. With the web, there are specific things that look hard to test; this course will show how to solve these problems. It will also show how to integrate the tests you build with the integrated test environment called MTM. We will go through the steps of setting up your test environment, running the tests on a daily basis, and scaling out the test environment as needed. Getting this in place is crucial if you want to move to continuous delivery of your applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Marcel de Vries - Pluralsight course - Testing Web Applications with CodedUI
Marcel de Vries

Marcel is the co-founder and CTO of Xpirit, a high-end consulting firm based in Hilversum, Netherlands. Helping organizations transform towards a high speed, innovative, and productive organization is his passion.

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