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Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices

Cloud security in modern architectures is complex and evolving. This course will teach you how to secure cloud APIs and microservices.

Chris Jackson - Pluralsight course - Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices
by Chris Jackson

What you'll learn

Hackers are targeting APIs and Microservices more than ever. In this course, Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices, you’ll learn about API vulnerabilities. First, you’ll explore API vulnerabilities. Next, you’ll discover Authentication and Authorization for APIs. Finally, you’ll learn how to secure Cloud-native Apps, microservices, containers, and Kubernetes. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of APIs and microservices security needed to secure Cloud APIs and microservices.

Table of contents

About the author

Chris Jackson - Pluralsight course - Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices
Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson is a cybersecurity professional with years of experience in identifying security incidents, securing applications and security training. Over the years, he has tested web applications for vulnerabilities, helped deploy SIEM platforms and more. He is passionate about teaching cybersecurity and committed to learning new technologies.

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