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Claude 3 Security and Cost Optimization

by Bogdan Sucaciu

This course will teach you how to enhance data security, ensure compliance with international regulations, and effectively manage performance and costs in AI deployments.

What you'll learn

Discover the essentials of safeguarding data and optimizing costs with Claude 3, a cutting-edge AI platform. Ensuring the security of user data and managing costs effectively are important challenges in deploying and maintaining AI systems like Claude 3.

In this course, Claude 3 Security and Cost Optimization, you’ll learn to manage performance and costs in AI deployments. First, you’ll explore the intricacies of data security and privacy, learning how data is protected and what mechanisms Claude 3 uses to ensure these protections. Next, you’ll discover the specifics of Anthropic's data retention and training policies, and understand how these frameworks are designed to comply with major regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.

Finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate and optimize the performance of Claude 3 through proper prompt engineering and API utilization. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Claude 3 needed to securely and cost-effectively use it.

About the author

Software Engineer by day, Pluralsight author by night, Bogdan likes to experiment with cutting-edge technologies and teach about them. His favorite talking subjects are streaming data, event-driven architectures, distributed systems, and cloud technologies. He has several years of experience “cooking” software with JVM based languages, some flavors of web technologies, and garnishing with automated testing. He holds a BS in Robotics where he spent countless hours programming microcontrollers an... more

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