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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer: Application Deployment

This course will teach you everything required to pass the deploying application sections of the CKAD exam.

Dan Wahlin - Pluralsight course - Certified Kubernetes Application Developer: Application Deployment
by Dan Wahlin

What you'll learn

Kubernetes provides several different deployment techniques that can be used to run your containers and pods. Understanding these techniques and knowing when to use them is an important part of the overall development and deployment process. In this course, Certified Kubernetes Application Developer: Application Deployment, you’ll learn about different deployment techniques to help you pass those sections of the CKAD exam. First, you’ll explore different Kubernetes deployment strategies such as blue/green and canary deployments. Next, you’ll discover how to perform rolling update deployments and how to rollback a deployment. Finally, you’ll learn how to use Helm charts to install and upgrade Kubernetes applications. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to pass the deploying applications sections of the CKAD exam, and you’ll be ready to take the next courses in the CKAD learning path.

Table of contents

About the author

Dan Wahlin - Pluralsight course - Certified Kubernetes Application Developer: Application Deployment
Dan Wahlin

Dan Wahlin founded Wahlin Consulting, which provides consulting and training services on JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Docker. He is a Google GDE, Microsoft MVP and Regional Director, and speaks at conferences and user groups around the world.

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