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Choosing Generative AI Tools and Technologies

by Xavier Morera

Choosing the right generative AI tools is crucial for success. This course will teach you how to identify and evaluate leading platforms like OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini, considering key factors such as cost, privacy, scalability, and compatibility.

What you'll learn

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, choosing the right generative AI tools is crucial for enterprise success. In this course, Choosing Generative AI Tools and Technologies, you’ll learn how to review, identify, analyze, and evaluate leading platforms like OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini, considering key factors such as cost, privacy, scalability, and compatibility. First, you’ll explore the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Next, you’ll discover the advantages and drawbacks of using an existing platform vs. training your own LLM. Finally, you’ll learn about the steps that you may take in your Gen AI adoption plan. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of generative AI platforms needed to select the right one for you.

About the author

Xavier is very passionate about teaching, helping others understand AI, Generative AI, search and Big Data. He is also an entrepreneur, project manager, technical author, trainer, and holds a few certifications with Cloudera, Microsoft, and the Scrum Alliance, along with having been awarted Microsoft MVP. He has spent a great deal of his career working on cutting-edge projects. Throughout multiple projects, he has acquired skills to deal with complex enterprise software solutions, working with c... more

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