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C# 8 Design Patterns: Mediator

Discover how to work with the mediator pattern. You will understand why this pattern exists and how to implement this in a C# application.

Steve Michelotti - Pluralsight course - C# 8 Design Patterns: Mediator
by Steve Michelotti

What you'll learn

For developers looking to deepen their knowledge of design patterns, this code-focused course will fully introduce the mediator design pattern, which enables you to encapsulate object interaction with loose coupling. In this course, C# 8 Design Patterns: Mediator, you will quickly get started with the mediator pattern. First, you will learn what the mediator pattern is and why you would want to use it. Next, you will discover how to implement your own mediator pattern. Finally, you will explore multiple variations of the mediator pattern in different contexts and different applications. When you are finished with this course, you will have the knowledge of the mediator pattern needed to implement and leverage the mediator pattern in your own C# applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Steve Michelotti - Pluralsight course - C# 8 Design Patterns: Mediator
Steve Michelotti

Steve is a Principal Software Engineering Manager with Microsoft on the Azure Global Engineering team. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was a 7-time Microsoft ASP.NET MVP.

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