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C# Benchmarking and Profiling

Learn how to beat performance issues by profiling and benchmarking your C# code.

Filip Ekberg - Pluralsight course - C# Benchmarking and Profiling
by Filip Ekberg

What you'll learn

Tired of performance issues and slow-running code? In this course, C# Benchmarking and Profiling, you’ll learn to track down hot code paths, understand why your code runs slower as the data set grows larger, and see how to avoid memory running out. First, you’ll explore how to begin profiling and benchmarking your code and understand why this work is important and what can happen if you ignore it. Next, you’ll discover how to handle the hot code paths, answering questions of what to do when memory runs out and what caching strategies are appropriate. Then, you’ll understand the importance of algorithmic complexity, giving you a great understanding of why code runs slower as the data set grows larger. Finally, you’ll learn the best practices for applying performance optimizations, refactor the hot code paths found during your profiling, and make the code run much faster. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of profiling and benchmarking your code needed to build powerful, real-world applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Filip Ekberg - Pluralsight course - C# Benchmarking and Profiling
Filip Ekberg

Filip is an enthusiastic developer that strives to learn something new every day. With over a decade of experience in .NET, Filip actively spreads his knowledge and ideas around the globe.

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