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C# Unit Testing

Unit testing is an essential skill needed to write robust and high-quality code. This course will teach you how to write unit tests with .NET and C# to ensure that your code works as expected.

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - C# Unit Testing
by Thomas Claudius Huber

What you'll learn

To write robust and high-quality code, unit testing is an essential skill you need. In this course, C# Unit Testing, you’ll learn how to write unit tests in C# to improve the code of your .NET software projects. First, you’ll learn how to create a test project and how to write and run different types of unit tests. Next, you’ll learn how to write testable code in your application by decoupling dependencies and you will learn how to work with Test Driven Development (TDD). Finally, you'll learn how to run your unit tests automatically after every code change by using a GitHub action.

When you're finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of C# Unit Testing needed to unit test your .NET and C# projects.

Table of contents

About the author

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - C# Unit Testing
Thomas Claudius Huber

Thomas is a well-known author, software developer, and speaker from Germany. He specializes in .NET, C#, TypeScript, XAML, and Azure.

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