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Developing Source Generators in C#

C# Source Generators can analyze your code and generate new C# code while your project is compiling. This course will teach you how to build and use C# Source Generators in your .NET applications.

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - Developing Source Generators in C#
by Thomas Claudius Huber

What you'll learn

When building .NET applications, you often have to write repetitive code. Instead of manually writing that code, you can generate it with a C# Source Generator. In this course , Developing Source Generators in C#, you’ll learn how to use a C# Source Generator to analyze your code and to generate additional C# code while your project is compiling. First, you’ll explore what a C# Source Generator is and what problems it helps you to solve. Next, you will create a C# Source Generator. You will learn how to set it up, how to analyze the syntax of your code, how to generate a source file, and how to add that source file on the fly to the compilation. Finally, you’ll learn how to package the source generator in a NuGet package, so that you can use it in different .NET projects. When you're finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of C# Source Generators needed to build and use C# Source Generators in your .NET projects.

Table of contents

About the author

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - Developing Source Generators in C#
Thomas Claudius Huber

Thomas is a well-known author, software developer, and speaker from Germany. He specializes in .NET, C#, TypeScript, XAML, and Azure.

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