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Class Libraries in C#

by Jason Roberts

Understanding and using class libraries is essential if you want to better organize your code, make it reusable, and make it easily distributable to other developers and teams. This course will teach you how to create, configure, test, and distribute C# class libraries.

What you'll learn

Having all your C# code in a single project can be problematic if the project gets too large and hard to understand and maintain. A single project also makes it harder to manage versions of sections of the codebase independently and makes sharing functionality with other developers, teams, and applications difficult. In this course, Class Libraries in C#, you’ll learn to use class libraries effectively to make your software development process more organized and flexible. First, you’ll explore how to create, configure, and test a class library project. Next, you’ll discover how to make the class library consumable on different versions of .NET. Finally, you’ll learn how to version and package your class library so it is easily consumable by other developers and applications. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of C# class libraries needed to create, organize, and share code.

Table of contents

About the author

With over 15 years of experience in both frontend and backend software development, Jason Roberts is a freelance developer, trainer, and author. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in computing, is the author of several books, and writes at his blog Jason is an open source contributor and in addition to enterprise software development, he has designed and developed Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.

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