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Certified Analytics Professional: Business Problem Framing

by Dr. Ali Feizollah

Enhance your analytical skills with this Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) course! Learn to define, assess, and solve business problems using structured analytical approaches, ensuring alignment with stakeholders and business objectives.

What you'll learn

Navigating through the initial phases of an analytics project, particularly framing the business problem accurately, is a pivotal step that often poses challenges to professionals in the field.

In this course, Certified Analytics Professional: Business Problem Framing, you’ll gain the ability to systematically frame business problems and align them with analytical solutions and stakeholder expectations.

First, you’ll explore how to accurately define and refine business problems, ensuring they are clear, concise, and actionable.

Next, you’ll discover effective strategies for identifying and managing stakeholders, ensuring their interests and concerns are addressed throughout the project.

Finally, you’ll learn how to assess the feasibility of analytical solutions, refine problem statements considering constraints, and define potential business benefits.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of business problem framing needed to initiate and guide analytics projects effectively, ensuring they are aligned with both analytical capabilities and business objectives.

About the author

Hello, I'm Ali. I have a PhD in computer science. I am currently working as a lecturer. I conduct research on social media analysis using Python and machine learning. I have a YouTube channel, named Flutterware, that shares tutorial on Google's Flutter platform that is used to develop mobile applications for Android and iOS with one base code. I love research and exploring knowledge. I think acquiring knowledge without sharing it is useless. I hope that you find my classes helpful.

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