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Business Analysis Techniques: Conducting Strategy Analysis

In this course, you'll learn how to leverage the techniques effective business analysts use to craft projects and change initiatives that align with organizational missions and goals.

Casey Ayers - Pluralsight course - Business Analysis Techniques: Conducting Strategy Analysis
by Casey Ayers

What you'll learn

Conducting effective business analysis requires an understanding of an organization’s strategic footing, its mission and goals, and how change initiatives fit into a broader context. In this course, Business Analysis Techniques: Conducting Strategy Analysis, you’ll learn how to better understand your own organization and how to leverage business analysis techniques to tailor solutions that align with those strategic drivers.

First, you'll learn how to assess your organization's present state and chart a vision for the future. Next, you'll discover how to analyze processes and model decisions that define how your organization completes its work. Finally, you'll explore how to create strategies to manage risk and learn from past efforts in your mission to continuously improve performance. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the familiarity with the tools and techniques that encompass the tasks that analysts use to begin business analysis efforts and analyze the strategic goals of your organization.

Table of contents

About the author

Casey Ayers - Pluralsight course - Business Analysis Techniques: Conducting Strategy Analysis
Casey Ayers

Casey has experience leading projects, analyzing challenges, and designing solutions in many fields, including healthcare, digital media, mobile app development and education. He's always in pursuit of new knowledge and loves to share what he learns along the way with others. To inquire about speaking engagements or consulting opportunities, and to learn more about his other ventures, visit http://CaseyAyers.com

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