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Building an HTTP Application with Ktor

Ktor is a Kotlin framework for writing both client and server-side HTTP applications. In this course, you will learn how to write secure server side Ktor applications that produces data in various formats and write a Ktor client to consume that data.

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Building an HTTP Application with Ktor
by Kevin Jones

What you'll learn

Applications, be they web based or mobile, need to consume and produce data. In this course, Building an HTTP Application with Ktor, you’ll learn to write Ktor servers and clients to produce and consume data in multiple formats. First, you’ll explore how to write a server that responds to HTTP requests to different endpoints and write the code in such a way that you can send back data from the server in whatever format best suits your application. Next, you’ll discover how to secure that endpoint so that only the correct user can access the data. Finally, you’ll learn how to write an HTTP client using the Ktor client APIs to allow you to send requests to either servers you’ve written or third party applications. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Ktor needed to write servers and clients in Kotlin.

Table of contents

About the author

Kevin Jones - Pluralsight course - Building an HTTP Application with Ktor
Kevin Jones

Kevin has spent way too many years in the software industry. Starting on PL/1 on IBM mainframes then graduating through dBase IV to Windows and eventually onto Java, .Net and now JavaScript where he finally thinks he has found a home until the next new shiny comes along.

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