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Building Your First R 3 Analytics Solution

In this course, you’ll see the entire workflow that data professionals use to produce their R analytics solutions.

Charlotte Wickham - Pluralsight course - Building Your First R 3 Analytics Solution
by Charlotte Wickham

What you'll learn

You’ve been given the task of building your next analytics report in R. Your colleague has even shared some R code they think will help. But where do you start? You’re not even sure what to do with the .R file they shared. In this course, Building Your First R 3 Analytics Solution, you’ll see the entire workflow that data professionals use to produce their R analytics solutions. First, you’ll start right at the beginning — setting up your own computer to run R code. Next, you’ll learn how to run, read, and write R code in RStudio. Finally, you'll discover how to organize your work with RStudio projects and how to communicate your work with R Markdown. By the end of the course, you’ll have not only produced a shareable report with R Markdown, you’ll have built your project so that anyone else can recreate the report too. You’ll be using the same tools and workflows as R professionals, and along the way, you’ll start building habits that ensure your analysis is organized, documented, and reproducible.

Table of contents

About the author

Charlotte Wickham - Pluralsight course - Building Your First R 3 Analytics Solution
Charlotte Wickham

Charlotte is a Data Scientist and Educator, who teaches in the Statistics Department at Oregon State University as well as operating her own consulting and training business.

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