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Building Data-driven Apps with AWS AppSync

This course will teach you how to use AWS AppSync to build data-driven applications by unifying and accessing all your data sources from one single service with realtime and offline data support

Nertil Poci - Pluralsight course - Building Data-driven Apps with AWS AppSync
by Nertil Poci

What you'll learn

Modern applications consume data from many different sources before displaying it to the user. Consuming many data sources means more upfront work to build an application and more potential breaking points. Also, security and permission become harder and harder to manage. In this course, Building Data-driven Apps with AWS AppSync, you’ll learn how to leverage the power of AppSync to unify all your data sources so they can be accessed through one central place. First, you’ll explore how to create APIs and Data Sources via AppSync. Next, you'll learn how to configure the Javascript AppSync client with our backend to query and mutate data via GraphQL APIs. Finally, you’ll discover how to use Amplify Datastore to store data locally when users are offline, and sync the data when an internet connection becomes available. By the end of this course, you'll be able to build a data-driven application with realtime and offline support and build in authentication using AWS AppSync.

Table of contents

About the author

Nertil Poci - Pluralsight course - Building Data-driven Apps with AWS AppSync
Nertil Poci

Nertil is a independent software consultant working with different teams around the world to bring products to market. He is focused on using the right tools for the job.

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