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Building a Collaborative Workplace Culture

This course examines the impact of collaborative workplace cultures. Discover skills and strategies that empower leaders and employees to work together more effectively, fostering enhanced collaboration in their work environment.

Alice Meredith - Pluralsight course - Building a Collaborative Workplace Culture
by Alice Meredith

What you'll learn

Despite energetic efforts, workplaces often struggle to harness the full potential of collaboration. In this course, Building a Collaborative Workplace Culture, you’ll learn skills that help both leaders and individual contributors combine their efforts to develop a more synergistic work environment. First, you’ll explore the critical role of psychological safety as the foundation that enables effective collaboration. Next, you’ll review core team dysfunctions that impede collaborative efforts and learn strategies to overcome these common obstacles. Finally, you'll learn tips and techniques that foster and maintain a culture that prioritizes collaboration. When you finish, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to transform your workplace into a more collaborative and innovative environment.

Table of contents

About the author

Alice Meredith - Pluralsight course - Building a Collaborative Workplace Culture
Alice Meredith

Alice has vast experience as a multi-level senior leader with retail operations and human resources as specialties. Experience includes 27 years of leadership supporting technology companies holding positions of Regional Director, District Manager, Senior HR Market Manager, and Senior Manager Labor & Employee Relations.

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