Creating a Blizzard Environment in Unreal Engine
In this Unreal Engine tutorial, we'll learn how to create weather effects and environment assets for a blizzard environment. Software required: Unreal 4.6, Maya 2016, Photoshop CS5.5, Mudbox 2016, 3D-Coat 3.7.
What you'll learn
In this Unreal Engine tutorial, we'll learn how to create weather effects and environment assets for a blizzard environment. We'll create snow structures and textures in Mudbox and Maya. We'll then create weather effects and advanced materials using layered materials and vertex painting methods. By the end of this Unreal Engine training, you'll be able to emulate stressful and chaotic video game environments for your next project. Software required: Unreal 4.6, Maya 2016, Photoshop CS5.5, Mudbox 2016, 3D-Coat 3.7.
Table of contents
- Creating Tileable Textures in Mudbox 9m
- Exporting Our Texture and Building Our Material 9m
- Vertex Painting on the Model 6m
- Building Snow Structures in Maya 9m
- Setting up Our Layer Shader 9m
- Finishing Material for Layered Material 10m
- Making Our Second Material Function 9m
- Finishing up Our Second Material Function 8m
- Creating a Material Function Blend Node 10m
- Finishing up Our Layered Snow Material 10m
- Starting Our Blizzard Emitter Material 9m
- Finishing Our Unlit Particle Emitter 10m
- Connecting Our Fading Snow Flake Material 10m
- Finishing Our Velocity Snow Emitter 9m
- Starting Our Particle Emitter 9m
- Finishing Our Snow Emitter 10m
- Adding Nodes to Snow Emitter 9m
- Creating a 3rd Particle System for Our Emitter 9m
- Finishing Our Emitter for the Blizzard Effect 6m
- Editing Our Blizzard Range 8m
- Creating Decals for a Snow Environment 9m
- Creating a Material for Our Vertex Displacement Painting 10m
- Creating Vertex Painting Using Height Map and Material 5m
- Editing Materials and Fog for Final Environment 7m