A Better CSS: LESS and SASS
LESS and SASS can style sheets more readable, maintainable and easier to write.
What you'll learn
CSS is a great way to separate your design and markup during HTML development, but there are key pain points that make it more difficult than it should be. Dynamic stylesheet languages like LESS and SASS can make style sheets more readable, maintainable, and easier to write. This course dives into both LESS and SASS and shows you how powerful these languages can be.
Table of contents
Why CSS is Painful
LESS is More
- Introducing LESS 2m
- Demo: less.js 5m
- Less on the Server 2m
- Demo: dotless 5m
- LESS Basics 2m
- Demo: Hello World LESS 5m
- Using Variables and Operations 3m
- Demo: Using Variables 4m
- Mixins 3m
- Demo: Creating a Mixin 6m
- Nested Rules 2m
- Demo: Refactoring Rules 3m
- Other Features 4m
- Demo: Using namespaces and scoping 5m
- Summary 1m
Using SASS
- Introducing SASS 2m
- SASS on the Server 2m
- Demo: Using SassAndCoffee 4m
- Variables 4m
- Demo: Using Variables 9m
- Rules 3m
- Demo: Refactoring Rules 4m
- @import 2m
- Demo: Importing SASS and CSS 3m
- @extend 2m
- Demo: Inheritance in Rules 1m
- @mixin 2m
- Demo: Creating Mixins 3m
- @function 1m
- Demo: Creating Functions 2m
- Control Directives 4m
- Demo: Using @if, @where and @for 2m
- Summary 2m