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Microsoft Azure Service Bus

The Windows Azure Service Bus provides the messaging backbone for applications that live in the cloud, in your data center, and across desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

Scott Seely - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Service Bus
by Scott Seely

What you'll learn

The Windows Azure Service Bus provides the messaging backbone for applications that live in the cloud, in your data center, and across desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. The relay service provides a mechanism to traverse firewalls. Queues provide a smart, secure way to exchange messages between disconnected devices. Topics and subscriptions allow for intelligent message distribution across applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Scott Seely - Pluralsight course - Microsoft Azure Service Bus
Scott Seely

Scott Seely is the president of The Jeanius Factory, Inc., a Microsoft Regional Director and a Microsoft MVP.

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