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Introduction to Azure AI Services

by Alex Wolf

Azure AI services enable you to build intelligent enterprise apps that integrate with your existing business workflows and technologies. Learn what services are available and the basics of how they can integrate with your own apps and services.

What you'll learn

Deploying AI solutions in an enterprise environment can be a daunting challenge. In this course, Introduction to Azure AI Services, you’ll learn how the Azure platform helps you to build scalable, secure, and intelligent apps. First, you’ll explore which Azure AI services are available for you to integrate with your apps and development workflows. Next, you’ll discover the available options to create, customize, and manage those AI solutions with proper governance and security. Finally, you’ll learn how to implement responsible AI and what guardrails exist to ensure a safe environment. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Azure AI services needed to begin adopting AI enabled apps and services in your organization.

About the author

Alex Wolf works as a .NET and Azure Content Developer at Microsoft, and is passionate about learning and teaching software development. He has over a decade of experience and multiple certifications in the .NET ecosystem and related technologies. He is also highly engaged in DevOps and Cloud technologies to improve development workflows and infrastructure. Alex has worked for companies of nearly every size, ranging from small start-ups to very large enterprises. He also maintains a hobbyist ... more

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