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Translating Languages on AWS with Amazon Translate

Making yourself understood in our interconnected world is a challenge. This course will let you leverage the neural machine translation capabilities of Amazon Translate so you can translate your ideas and not be restricted by language barriers.

Fernando Medina Corey - Pluralsight course - Translating Languages on AWS with Amazon Translate
by Fernando Medina Corey

What you'll learn

Translating text at scale is a challenge for many organizations that want to make themselves understood internationally. In this course, Translating Languages on AWS with Amazon Translate, you will gain the ability to leverage Amazon Translate and neural machine translation in your applications. First, you will learn the basic context and benefits of neural machine translation tools. Next, you will discover how to leverage Amazon Translate APIs to scale your translation capabilities. Finally, you will explore how to integrate Amazon Translate with other AWS services such as Amazon Polly and Amazon CloudWatch. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Amazon Translate needed to develop, secure, and monitor your own Amazon Translation applications and remove the restriction of language barriers.

Table of contents

About the author

Fernando Medina Corey - Pluralsight course - Translating Languages on AWS with Amazon Translate
Fernando Medina Corey

Fernando works full time learning the newest trends and tools in application development in order to share them with application developers and architects. He especially enjoys helping others learn about cloud infrastructure offerings to better support the needs of developers and the organizations that they work with.

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