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AWS Storage Fundamentals

AWS storage is one of the key services offered through the AWS cloud platform. This course will teach you the different types of storage available and their targeted use cases.

Neil Hitchins - Pluralsight course - AWS Storage Fundamentals
by Neil Hitchins

What you'll learn

AWS storage in one iteration or another has been around as a consumable service from AWS since 2006 and comes in a variety of offerings. In this course, AWS Storage Fundamentals, you’ll learn to build and configure your own S3 bucket, EFS volume, and create a static website in S3. First, you’ll explore Elastic Block Store (EBS). Next, you’ll discover how to create your own Elastic File Store (EFS) volume and mount this to EC2 instances. Finally, you’ll learn how to build a basic static website on S3 as well as looking at the different tiers provided by S3. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of AWS storage needed to build and configure your own AWS storage volumes and buckets needed for your cloud environments.

Table of contents

About the author

Neil Hitchins - Pluralsight course - AWS Storage Fundamentals
Neil Hitchins

Neil is a Senior Training Architect working for Pluralsight covering both AWS and Azure. He has over 20 years experience in IT, coming from an Infrastructure background before moving into cloud. He has experience as both an engineer and an Architect and has achieved professional-level certifications in both AWS and Microsoft Azure.

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