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Managing Applications in AWS

Learn how to use new Amazon serverless technologies, presented in a clear and consistent way, with practical demonstrations in the AWS console.

Jasenko Krejic - Pluralsight course - Managing Applications in AWS
by Jasenko Krejic

What you'll learn

Amazon Web Services is gaining ground and creating new services almost on a daily basis, and technologies such as Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, and Step Functions are their cutting-edge products. In this course, Managing Applications in AWS, you will gain the ability to manage applications in 5 different technologies. First, you will learn how to manage all aspects of serverless application platforms such as Elastic Beanstalk and Lambda. Next, you will discover batch computing with AWS Batch and create workflows with AWS Step functions. Finally, you will explore how to connect external users to internal AWS services using AWS API Gateway. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of above-mentioned serverless technologies needed to manage all aspects of running applications in the cloud with AWS.

Table of contents

About the author

Jasenko Krejic - Pluralsight course - Managing Applications in AWS
Jasenko Krejic

In love with computers since he got his first Commodore 64, Jasenko finished Electrotechnical university and earned a Master degree in fields of telecommunications and electronics. He mostly works with Linux and cloud computing ,integrating a lot of different technologies.

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