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Deploying Hyperledger Fabric with AWS Blockchain Templates

Enterprise-grade blockchains which offer known peers, better security, and predictable transaction commits are now the norm. Hyperledger Fabric is a viable alternative which overcomes many of the drawbacks that have bedeviled the Ethereum framework.

Janani Ravi - Pluralsight course - Deploying Hyperledger Fabric with AWS Blockchain Templates
by Janani Ravi

What you'll learn

This course demonstrates how to build, deploy and use Hyperledger Fabric networks on the AWS cloud. In this course, Deploying Hyperledger Fabric with AWS Blockchain Templates, you'll learn how to use Cloud Formation templates on AWS with Docker containers to quickly build Hyperledger Fabric networks to run chain code. First, you'll discover the Hyperledger umbrella of frameworks and tools and develop an understanding of the Hyperledger Fabric network which is comprised of peers with known identities. You'll see how Fabric's transaction lifecycle and consensus algorithm separates endorsing peers from committing peers and how this structure overcomes many of the drawbacks of Ethereum. Next, you'll learn the basic structure of a Fabric blockchain network on AWS and see how we can use AWS blockchain templates to quickly bring up a Fabric network on the AWS cloud. You'll connect to and work on this network from your local machine. Finally, you'll write chain code in the Golang programming language for a vehicle registry and see how we can invoke transactions on our blockchain using the command line interface. By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of how you can use AWS to build your own enterprise-grade blockchain networks and write chain code to update your Fabric blockchain.

Table of contents

About the author

Janani Ravi - Pluralsight course - Deploying Hyperledger Fabric with AWS Blockchain Templates
Janani Ravi

A problem solver at heart, Janani has a Masters degree from Stanford and worked for 7+ years at Google. She was one of the original engineers on Google Docs and holds 4 patents for its real-time collaborative editing framework.

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