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Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure

Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure is a fundamental course to prime you for diving deep into the offerings found on AWS. This course will teach you how to evaluate the trade-offs and advantages of hosting workloads on AWS and prepare you to evaluate the many services AWS has to offer.

David Blocher - Pluralsight course - Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure
by David Blocher

What you'll learn

AWS is a complicated landscape with hundreds of services and often opaque pricing models. In this course, Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure, you’ll learn to evaluate the trade-offs and advantages of hosting workloads on AWS and prepare you to evaluate the many services AWS has to offer. First, you’ll explore the history of AWS. Next, you’ll discover how to model pricing on AWS. Finally, you’ll learn how to navigate the AWS global infrastructure and AWS Organizations. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of AWS fundamentals needed to navigate AWS accounts and services.

Table of contents

About the author

David Blocher - Pluralsight course - Understanding AWS and its Global Infrastructure
David Blocher

David has always had an interest in learning and teaching complex systems. Before he was working with AWS, he spent his days learning and teaching board games at his local board game cafe in hometown Columbus, OH. Over the last six years working in tech, he has gone from a self-taught Ruby developer to a 4x AWS certified senior consultant in cloud technologies, and now a Training Architect at Pluralsight. David holds both professional-level AWS certifications and is passionate about helping people unlock their career potential through learning cloud skills. When he's not building courses, you can find David out hiking around Seattle with his wife Myia and his dog Oliver, or inside playing board games or role playing games.

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