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Authenticating Users with Firebase Authentication Service Playbook

Ionic and Firebase are among the fastest growing technologies for mobile and web applications. This course will teach you the skills needed to authenticate users using Firebase's authentication service and its real-time database to store information.

Todd Shelton - Pluralsight course - Authenticating Users with Firebase Authentication Service Playbook
by Todd Shelton

What you'll learn

At the core of any good web or mobile application is the ability to let a user login using several different ways. In Authenticating Users with Firebase Authentication Service Playbook, you’ll gain a sound knowledge of how to do this with Firebase and Ionic. First, you’ll learn how to create an Ionic application. Next, you’ll explore how to create a login and create user form. Finally, you’ll discover how to authenticate users using several different authentication methods and store that user data in real time. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of authenticating users with Firebase that will help you as you move forward to creating mobile and web applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Todd Shelton - Pluralsight course - Authenticating Users with Firebase Authentication Service Playbook
Todd Shelton

Todd Shelton is a Front-End Web Developer making mobile/web applications. He is a lecturer at IUPUI's School of Informatics and Computing in Indianapolis, Indiana. He runs a successful user group called Dev Workshop, and hosts an annual conference in Indianapolis, IN called Dev Workshop Conf.

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