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Building ASP.NET Web API OData Services

This course covers how to use ASP.NET Web API to build data services based on the OData protocol, including OData query syntax and OData message formatting.

Brian Noyes - Pluralsight course - Building ASP.NET Web API OData Services
by Brian Noyes

What you'll learn

The OData protocol is an open multiplatform standard for exposing data via REST-based HTTP services for querying and updating. The ASP.NET Web API has been extended to allow you to easily build services that enable the OData query syntax on top of whatever formatting you choose for your payloads, or to do full-blown OData with both the query language and OData-compliant formatting. This course will teach you how to implement OData query support and OData formatting for round-trip CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations on resource collections exposed using Web API services. You will first learn some fundamentals about ASP.NET Web API services, REST, and OData. Then you will learn about OData query syntax and how to easily implement it in your services. Then you will learn how to define Entity Data Models to support the full OData navigation syntaxes, and add OData formatters to turn your services into fully compliant OData services. Finally you will get some exposure to calling those services from .NET and JavaScript clients.

Table of contents

About the author

Brian Noyes - Pluralsight course - Building ASP.NET Web API OData Services
Brian Noyes

Brian Noyes is CTO and Architect at Solliance, an expert technology solutions development company. Brian is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP, and specializes in rich client technologies including XAML and HTML 5, as well as building the services that back them with WCF and ASP.NET Web API.

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