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ASP.NET Core Internationalization Deep Dive

Understanding internationalization is first step in creating web applications for global market. In this course, you will learn how to implement support for multiple cultures by leveraging new ASP.NET Core internationalization libraries.

Admir Tuzović - Pluralsight course - ASP.NET Core Internationalization Deep Dive
by Admir Tuzović

What you'll learn

At the core of creating world-ready ASP.NET Core web applications is a thorough knowledge of internationalization process. In this course, ASP.NET Core Internationalization Deep Dive, you will learn how to effectively plan and implement internationalization strategy that will make your ASP.NET Core solutions perfectly tailored for millions of users world-wide. You will learn core concepts and terminology behind the internationalization and best practices on how to organize code and culture related resources. Finally, you will learn how to implement support for different cultures by using new ASP.NET Core internationalization libraries. When you're finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of internationalization mechanisms in ASP.NET Core that will help you as you move forward to create web applications for global market.

Table of contents

About the author

Admir Tuzović - Pluralsight course - ASP.NET Core Internationalization Deep Dive
Admir Tuzović

Admir is the Chief Technology Officer at App Impact and an MVPl for the Microsoft Azure platform. During his career as a software developer/architect Admir has taken various roles including Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. Admir is a regular speaker at international conferences for developers.

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