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Best Practices in ASP.NET Core 5: Entities, Validation, and View Models

Are you struggling when dealing with entities, validation, and models inside your .NET applications? This course will teach you pragmatic best practices for using entities, validation, and models in ASP.NET Core projects.

Shawn Wildermuth - Pluralsight course - Best Practices in ASP.NET Core 5: Entities, Validation, and View Models
by Shawn Wildermuth

What you'll learn

Getting a handle on the correct balance of simplicity and complexity is tough in any system, but learning when to use View Models and when to just use your data’s entities is a crucial skill every developer needs. In this course, Best Practices in ASP.NET Core: Entities, Validation, and View Models, you will learn foundational best practices to structure data in your applications. First, you will learn how entities work. Next, you will discover the role of View Models. Finally, you will explore how to validate data inside your application, on the server, and the client. When you're finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of how to work with data inside your applications as it is needed to build, enterprise-scale websites in ASP.NET Core.

Table of contents

About the author

Shawn Wildermuth - Pluralsight course - Best Practices in ASP.NET Core 5: Entities, Validation, and View Models
Shawn Wildermuth

Shawn Wildermuth has been tinkering with computers and software since he got a Vic-20 back in the early '80s. As a Microsoft MVP since 2002, he's also involved with Microsoft as an ASP.NET Insider and ClientDev Insider.

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