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Building a PWA with ASP.NET Core Blazor

by Matthew Soucoup

You can build fast and responsive PWAs using Blazor and C#! This course will teach you how to build PWAs with offline support, push notifications, and you could even distribute via the App Stores with Blazor and C#.

What you'll learn

.NET developers can build fast and responsive progressive web applications that run offline with C# and Blazor. In this course, Building a PWA with ASP.NET Core Blazor, you’ll learn to use your .NET and Blazor skills to create amazing PWAs. First, you’ll explore the basics of creating a PWA with Blazor. Next, you’ll discover how to make your PWA remain responsive even when it’s not connected to the internet. Finally, you’ll learn how to alert your users of important information with push notifications. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to create progressive web apps with Blazor.

About the author

Matthew is a Microsoft and Xamarin MVP from Madison, WI. He founded his company, Code Mill Technologies, and the Madison Mobile .NET Developers Group. Matt loves mobile development. At Code Mill, he creates elegant cross-platform mobile apps. For fun, Matt shares his passion for mobile and cloud development by blogging, writing articles, and presenting at conferences such as Xamarin Evolve, CodeMash, and That Conference. When not behind a computer screen, Matt gardens hot peppers, rides bikes, a... more

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