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Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core RC1, MVC 6, EF7 & AngularJS

An update to this course has been published and is found at https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/aspdotnetcore-efcore-bootstrap-angular-web-app/table-of-contents. This course will no longer be updated. For the most updated version please visit the link above.

Shawn Wildermuth - Pluralsight course - Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core RC1, MVC 6, EF7 & AngularJS
by Shawn Wildermuth

What you'll learn

An update to this course has been published and is found at https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/aspdotnetcore-efcore-bootstrap-angular-web-app/table-of-contents. This course will no longer be updated. For the most updated version please visit the link above. Understanding how to build an app using the full-stack of technologies of web development can be hard. In this course, we'll walk you completely through a complete application to see how everything works together.

Table of contents

About the author

Shawn Wildermuth - Pluralsight course - Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core RC1, MVC 6, EF7 & AngularJS
Shawn Wildermuth

Shawn Wildermuth has been tinkering with computers and software since he got a Vic-20 back in the early '80s. As a Microsoft MVP since 2002, he's also involved with Microsoft as an ASP.NET Insider and ClientDev Insider.

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