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Secure Coding in ASP.NET Core

by Gavin Johnson-Lynn

ASP.NET Core is used to build mission critical applications handling sensitive data. This course will teach you how to implement the most common security requirements and defenses recommended by OWASP in your ASP.NET Core applications.

What you'll learn

Developers use ASP.NET Core to build applications with stringent security requirements and rely on OWASP resources to learn how to do it. In this course, Secure Coding in ASP.NET Core, you’ll learn to create more secure Web apps on the .NET platform using OWASP resources. First, you’ll explore authentication and authorization. Next, you’ll discover how to securely handle input and output data. Finally, you’ll learn how to protect sensitive data and harden your application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of ASP.NET Core secure coding techniques needed to protect your users and applications.

Table of contents

Course Overview

About the author

Gavin has 20 years’ experience writing software in regulated environments and for global organisations. The last five years of his development career were spent with a focus on security, becoming the security lead for a significant payments project at a FTSE 100 company. He has experience with languages from COBOL to .Net and many languages in between. Gavin's experience of secure development revealed a passion for security, leading him to become a speaker and blogger on the subject. He has held... more

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