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ASP.NET Core Crash Course

Ever been curious about how easy it really is to create an MVC website using ASP.NET Core? We'll create a brand new site from scratch with lots of great features and explore key aspects of ASP.NET Core in this code-focused course.

Erik Dahl - Pluralsight course - ASP.NET Core Crash Course
by Erik Dahl

What you'll learn

If you haven’t seen ASP.NET for a while - or even at all - it’s become a very compelling high-performance cross-platform web framework that deserves a closer look. In this course, ASP.NET Core Crash Course, you’ll learn how to create a brand new MVC website from scratch. First, you’ll explore the starting point for the website that gets generated from the CLI tools.. Next, you’ll discover some of the key features of ASP.NET Core - how models, views, and controllers work, persisting data with Entity Framework Core, editing and validating that data from the application, and other foundational concepts like dependency injection, configuration, and logging. Finally, you’ll learn some simple authentication and authorization techniques and how those can be applied in an ASP.NET Core app. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of ASP.NET Core needed to evaluate it for your own projects, and to get started using it.

Table of contents

About the author

Erik Dahl - Pluralsight course - ASP.NET Core Crash Course
Erik Dahl

Full-stack developer, architect using the Microsoft stack and other key tools to create awesome solutions.

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