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The Art and Practice of Information Architecture

This course covers techniques and tools for the development of a coherent information architecture, including the development of taxonomies and implementation of navigation.

Robert Bogue - Pluralsight course - The Art and Practice of Information Architecture
by Robert Bogue

What you'll learn

We're exposed to and are attempting to organize more information today than we have ever had to in the entire evolution of humans, and the amount of information is growing exponentially. The techniques in the past of intuiting an organization won't work any longer, even with the advent of search. This course tackles the problem of organizing information head-on by explaining the research about organization of information and how we think. With this foundation, the course provides practical tools for developing an information architecture (organizational framework) which can grow and adapt with the organization.

Table of contents

About the author

Robert Bogue - Pluralsight course - The Art and Practice of Information Architecture
Robert Bogue

Robert Bogue is a thought leader on all things SharePoint and an engaging speaker who speaks at events around the world on SharePoint. Rob has been awarded the Microsoft MVP designation nine times, and earned recognition as a Microsoft Patterns and Practices Champion.

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