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Effective Workflow Management with Apache Airflow

by Mohamed Echout

Explore workflow management using Apache Airflow. This course will teach you how to manage, automate, and monitor workflows using Apache Airflow.

What you'll learn

Effective workflows and data pipeline management are crucial challenges across industries, often leading to missed opportunities for optimization and insights.

In this course, Effective Workflow Management with Apache Airflow, you’ll gain the ability to master workflow management tools and methodologies.

First, you’ll explore setting up and configuring Apache Airflow.

Next, you’ll discover how to create and schedule directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).

Finally, you’ll learn how to monitor and debug workflows.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of workflow management needed to transform your workflow management capabilities effectively.

Table of contents

About the author

Meet Mo, a highly experienced software developer with over a decade of experience in AI, machine learning, and software development. He is a passionate and energetic instructor who is committed to making technology accessible and engaging for everyone.

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