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Anthropic: Prompt Engineering for Business Professionals

by Mohamed Echout

Enhance your AI skills with Anthropic Claude. This course will teach you to construct effective prompts for report writing, project planning, and multi-turn conversations.

What you'll learn

Business professionals struggle with time-consuming report writing and inefficient project management.

In this course, Anthropic: Prompt Engineering for Business Professionals, you’ll learn to streamline these processes using advanced AI techniques. First, you’ll explore how to construct natural language prompts tailored to generate precise business reports. Next, you’ll discover how to apply these prompts in project planning to enhance organizational efficiency. Finally, you’ll learn how to utilize long-form response generation and engage in multi-turn conversations to deepen analysis and interaction. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of prompt engineering needed to transform your business operations effectively.

About the author

Meet Mo, a highly experienced software developer with over a decade of experience in AI, machine learning, and software development. He is a passionate and energetic instructor who is committed to making technology accessible and engaging for everyone.

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