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The IT Ops Sessions: Using Ansible Sign and Verify

by Luca Berton

In this IT Ops session, you’ll learn how to use the 'ansible-sign' command line utility to sign and verify using a GPG signature in your Ansible project.

What you'll learn

IT Ops sessions are short-form conference-style sessions, minus the conference. In this session, Ansible Project Sign and Verify, you’ll learn more about the ansible-sign command line utility. Some examples of how you could sign and verify your Ansible project. exploring some possible failure scenarios such as file tampering, signature mismatch, and more. Plus you'll learn how to configure Ansible Project Verification in AWX and Ansible Automation Controller. When you’re finished with this Session, you’ll better understand how to gain an advantage to run only verified Ansible code in your organization.

Table of contents

Using Ansible Sign and Verify

About the author

Luca is an Automation Engineer who has been working for more than a decade on Linux Operating Systems and Open Source technologies. He has experience automating Tasks and Infrastructure using many technologies. For many years Luca has taught Linux at conferences and schools. Luca Berton is an Ansible Automation Expert who has been working with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and worked with the Red Hat Hat Ansible Engineer Team for three years. Published author of the Ansible for VMware by Examples and Ans... more

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