Animation Polishing Techniques in Maya
In this set of Maya tutorials, we will learn techniques for polishing animations in Maya. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2013.
What you'll learn
In this set of Maya tutorials, we will learn techniques for polishing animations in Maya. The goal of this training is to provide you with tips and workflows that will help you to maintain control over your character's performance with time-saving techniques. We'll start with a very basic blocking pass already in place, and work our way to a final, animated piece, learning everything from smart blocking and pose solidification workflows, to learning how one can transition to their polishing pass in a very clean and manageable way. We'll also learn fast and effective ways to correct timing, silhouettes, and arcs in Maya. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be equipped with the skill set you need to animate strategically and proficiently. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2013.