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AngularUI Fundamentals

AngularUI has established itself as the companion framework of choice for building great AngularJS applications. This code-focused course shows how to build apps with AngularUI.

Steve Michelotti - Pluralsight course - AngularUI Fundamentals
by Steve Michelotti

What you'll learn

AngularUI has established itself as the ultimate companion framework for building AngularJS applications. In this course, we'll see how to quickly get up and running with AngularUI. We will cover UI-Bootstrap so we can leverage the Bootstrap framework without a jQuery dependency. We will then dive into UI-Router to see how this powerful routing alternative can be fully leveraged in your apps. We will cover numerous modules, including UI-Calendar, UI-GMap, UI-Grid, UI-Select, and more! By the end of the course, you'll be able to start building your own apps using AngularUI on top of AngularJS!

Table of contents

About the author

Steve Michelotti - Pluralsight course - AngularUI Fundamentals
Steve Michelotti

Steve is a Principal Software Engineering Manager with Microsoft on the Azure Global Engineering team. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was a 7-time Microsoft ASP.NET MVP.

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